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                 Things you can do during your free time
Hey people, feeling bored during your free time? Brains melting from thinking about something unique to do? Well, worry no more! Here are some AWESOME ideas that you can do during your free time! No worries, I won't give you the boring ones, eg reading, sleeping and all the boring ones that you can think of. Listed down is some things that you can do whether you are alone, with friends or with your family
                      Create a new dish to eat
                      Make a cool friendship bracelet for you and your best friend
                      If you like music, you can try to create a tune and maybe have some lyrics to go with it. Who knows, you might even unknowingly make a song!
                      For the aspiring writers, the jokers, the journalists and more, start a blog!
                      If you want a wallpaper for your room, cut out cool newspapers or magazine pictures and stick them onto your wall.
                      Read a book that you are too old for and try to intercept the hidden meanings behind it
                      Use bits and pieces that you can find around the house to make some crafts
                      Design your own fitness programme or routine
                      Look back on old photoes to remind yourself of your childhood again
                      Write reviews on your favourite music videos
                      Listen to classical music without knowing the title and describe how you feel when you heard the music with a friend
                      Turn on the television, put it on mute, and make up creative answers on what each character of the show would say
                      Learn to sew and find scraps of cloth to make a small bag or wallet
                      Find the recipes that your family like and cook them for dinner
With friends
                      Make some lemonade and enjoy it with your friends while talking over your favourite topics
                      Bake some awesome cookies with your friends and offer them to your neighbours
                      Write a story, one chapter each without looking at each others and read it out together
                      Create a new game with the sports equiment that you can find around the house
                      Think of a prank to play on your friends and enjoy those moments together
                      Cheer your friend up who is having problems by organising a small surprise party for her
                      Have a movie outing with friends that you have not seen for some time
                      Lie around on your bed and chat with your friends. Make sure that your handphones are switched off
                      Take a group picture with your friends and edit it so it becomes funny
                      Go out for a little shopping spree together
                      Relax at a cafe chatting with one another over a nice hot cup of hot chocolate
                      Blow up some balloons and throw them around at your friends. Careful not to pop them!
                      Make little sock puppet impressions of your friends
                      Go cycling around the neighbourhood with your friends and try to wave to everyone you see on the streets
                      Find random pictures of people online and try to guess their names
With family
                      go cycling at a nearby park and chat about the events that had happened to you
                      Make a nice dinner at home and talk about each other’s life
                      Wake up earlier with your siblings in a weekend morning and make your parents a nice breakfast
                      Play a crossword puzzle together on a rainy weekend and come up with silly words
                      Experiment with ice cream recipes together with your siblings
                      Play frisbee or twister with your family
                      Create a new dish that tastes great and invite your neighbours over to try it
                      Plan pranks to play on your siblings with your parents
                      Go for a day at the beach with your family without the presence of any electronics
                      Bake a nice cake to surprise anyone in your family on their birthday
                      Bake some sweet-tasting cookies to cheer someone up or hope that they get well soon
                      Use a camera to take random pictures of your family in costume and put them into a photo album to remind yourself of the funny things that had happened
                      Start a debate on a topic that everyone has different opinions on to get to know each other better
                      Have a little cooking/baking party so that everyone gets a chance to cook in the kitchen
                      Listen to some music picked out by different family members and voice out your opinions on the music
                      start a family workout in the morning to keep them fit and energised
                      Try to entertain each other by making funny faces or doing funny actions